As winter approaches and temperatures drop, ensuring that your heating system performs reliably in the coldest months becomes a top priority. With this in mind, we’ve crafted this Newsletter to share the results of a comprehensive ultra-low temperature testing projects we conducted before, which highlighted the robust performance of NEWNTIDE’s heat pumps in extremely cold conditions. We aim to give you a deeper understanding of how our products hold up under challenging circumstances, providing you with the confidence that they will keep your home warm and comfortable.
As a leading heat pump manufacturer in China, NEWNTIDE has partnered with CVC Certification & Testing Co., Ltd, an authoritative third-party quality and technical service institute, to conduct a rigorous extremely cold testing project. During the tests, CVC performed comprehensive tests on NEWNTIDE’s heat pumps, evaluating key factors such as operational efficiency, electrical safety, fault response, and more.
This testing project aimed to assess the performance and reliability of NEWNTIDE’s heat pumps under ultra-low temperature down to -35℃. The results provide valuable scientific data and insights to drive advancements in heating pump technology and strengthen consumer confidence in the products’ quality and durability.
Testing Location in Mohe City, The North of China
Testing Period
The testing took place over two months during winter in 2022, ensuring a comprehensive assessment of the product’s performance in prolonged extremely cold conditions.
Testing Environment Overview
The tests were conducted in Mohe City, located in Heilongjiang Province in the northernmost part of China. And it is renowned as the “Arctic Town of China” and is often referred to as “the place where winter begins in China.”
Every year, Mohe experienced a long, harsh winters, with freezing periods that last up to seven months. The average temperature in winter often falls below -30°C (-22°F), and extreme lows can exceed -50°C (-58°F). In late 2022, Mohe set a historic record when temperatures plunged below -53°C (-63.4°F) for three consecutive days, accompanied by dense ice fog, creating one of the most severe cold weather events in its history.
The tests complemented in a glass-enclosed room, with its poor insulation properties, added further challenges to the testing, simulating real-world scenarios under extreme conditions and posing stringent demands on the product’s performance and durability.
NEWNTIDE Heat Pump Tested in Ultra-low Temp.
Highlights of the Testing Project
Low-Temperature Startup: Reliable Heating at -35°C
NEWNTIDE’s heat pump units were put to the test under Mohe’s ultra-cold environment where nighttime temperatures drop to below -35°C. After a 30-minute operation, all units started up and operated smoothly, with no malfunctions or alarms. The systems performed as expected, delivering outlet water temperatures exceeding 55°C even under extreme low-temperature conditions.
Indoor Comfort: Rapid Heating to 25°C
Despite the outdoor temperature being brutally cold, the indoor environment maintained a consistent 25°C. NEWNTIDE ’s heat pumps excelled with high heating capacity, delivering fast, even heat that quickly warmed the entire space.
Smart Defrosting: Clears Frost in 40 Seconds
As temperatures and humidity dropped sharply from day to night, the heat pump units leveraged AI-powered smart defrosting technology. Equipped with high-efficiency EVI compressors, they achieved rapid defrosting within 40 seconds.
Using high-precision temperature sensors on the heat exchangers and an advanced big-data-enabled variable-frequency algorithm, the system avoided common issues with traditional defrosting methods—such as frequent defrost cycles, incomplete frost removal, or defrosting when unnecessary—ensuring smooth operation in extremely cold conditions.
Defrosting in Cold Conditions
Electrical Safety: Superior Performance
Electrical safety tests covered key aspects such as component heating, grounding resistance, and leakage current. After two months of stable operation, NEWNTIDE’s heat pumps passed rigorous insulation resistance testing with excellent results. The high-quality insulation materials and robust design ensure reliable safety performance even under extreme conditions.
Electrical Safety Testing
Testing Results
After two months of rigorous testing, NEWNTIDE’s heating pump successfully operated in the extreme cold conditions of Mohe, with outdoor temperatures dropping to as low as -35°C. Despite these harsh conditions, NEWNTDE’s heat pumps consistently maintained a comfortable indoor temperature of around 24°C, well within the human comfort range.
Throughout the entire testing period, the performance of NEWNTIDE’s heating pumps was comprehensively evaluated by a third-party authoritative institute. Even in Mohe’s freezing environment, the pumps continued to deliver powerful and sustained heating. This impressive performance can be attributed to NEWNTIDE’s exceptional product quality, including the full DC inverter technology paired with EVI compressor for efficient operation, and the AI-powered smart defrosting technology ensuring quick and effective frost removal.
This successful test follows the 2014 milestone when NEWNTIDE’s products were deployed at the Antarctic research station, further solidifying the reliability of air-source heat pumps in extremely cold climates. This achievement provides strong validation of the performance and durability of NEWNTIDE’s products in some of the harshest environments on Earth, reinforcing market confidence in their ability to deliver reliable and efficient heating even in the most challenging conditions.
As the leading heat pump manufacturer with over 21 years of experience, NEWNTIDE is always here to provide you with reliable and energy-efficient heating solutions. Reach out to us today (email: [email protected]) to learn more and ensure a warm, worry-free winter!